Mnova Video Tips

Mnova Tip 4 – 2D NMR Resolution Booster

When the resolution of your 2D NMR spectra is not ideal, like when having a very noisy 2D spectra or for instance when trying to resolve a protein you can try using this Mnova tool "2D Resolution booster"

Mnova Tip 3 – Use a mapping file for filtering Mgears input

Are you already using Mnova Gears and enjoying the advantages of building automation workflows for your analytical data? Our next Mnova tip shows you how to use a mapping file for filtering Mgears input.

Mnova tip 2 – Digital Signatures

The following Mnova tip describes how to record digital signatures to replace handwritten ones, often needed to comply with SOPs and Good Practices. With Mnova you can significantly reduce the paperwork burden on your team.

Mnova Tip 1 – Importing spectral data from literature to synthesize a spectrum

This video is the first in a series of “Tip videos”, where we will post on a topic within the feature set of Mnova. It is not only intended to educate, but also to kickstart a conversation among our media community about your experiences with the topic(s).