Mnova Gears – IUPAC Name

Automated IUPAC Naming of Batch Molecular Structures

IUPAC Name Brick relies on Mnova’s IUPAC Name innovative algorithm for the naming of molecular structures in batch mode and the generation of automatic reports.

Software Solution for Chemical Reaction Optimization

Gears IUPAC Name


  • IUPAC Name accepts input data from various sources (Disk, Database, or from Real-time acquisition.) and in the many formats supported by Mnova (.mol, .sdf, .cml, .cdx, etc.)


  • IUPAC Name can also be generated from a Mnova document which has the structures only in the compounds table

IUPAC Name output can be set up to one or more of the following options :

  • Draw IUPAC Name below each Molecule on the mnova document
  • Save SDF Files for each molecule with the initial tags and the IUPAC name of each one
  • Create Report in HTML format

Academic, Government & Industrial


Who should be using Mnova Gears IUPAC Name?

  • Pharmaceutical, chemical industries, research
  • Suitable for individual users, research groups as well as large institutions and companies
  • Organic chemistry