Mnova Lite Special Edition

Something you should know

You need to know that PerkinElmer© only includes Mnova Lite CDE for free with ChemOffice v17. Older versions such as ChemOffice v16 and lower do not include the free Mnova Lite license with your subscription. In the latter case, Mestrelab wants to help you with Mnova Lite Special Edition!

What is Mnova Lite Special Edition and who should be using this version?

Mnova Lite Special Edition is the simplified version of Mnova software ideal for the bench chemist and designed for processing routine 1D NMR spectra. It uses a very intuitive environment ideal for the basic user. Mnova Lite Special Edition has got a faster and powerful processing core than the previous version 5.2.5.

What does it mean Mnova Lite Special Edition?

Mnova Lite Special Edition allows you use the new fast and accurate 1H and 13C NMR Prediction for free and some other improved features. This promotion has been offered to the former users of CambridgeSoft – Mnova Lite 5.2.5.

What is new in Mnova Lite Special Edition?

  • Improved User Interface with easier use of NMR processing commands:
    • Correct the phase and baseline of your spectra interactively.
    • Data Browser panel allows you to navigate quickly through your favorite directories.
    • New editing capabilities: copy and paste spectral properties across different spectra including graphical properties (colors, line width, fonts, etc), integrals, zooms, etc.
  • New fast and accurate 1H and 13C NMR Prediction for free:
    • Open your molecule in Mnova (most molecular formats are supported) and get its corresponding 1H or 13C NMR spectrum.
  • Improved support for more NMR formats including those acquired in all benchtop NMR spectrometers.
  • Works in Win7/Win10 & Mac OS (up to Mojave, it will not work with Catalina, BigSur, Monterey or Ventura)

Mnova Lite also allows the use of the rest of the plugins but features which require scripting (any automation tools). All the analysis have to be done manually.

What can’t you do with Mnova Lite Special Edition?

This simplified version of Mnova software does not allow you to process 2D NMR spectra, run multiplet analysis, make assignments, use deconvolution tools or stacked spectra mode processing.

Automation tools and scripting are restricted for all the plugins.

For Windows: DOWNLOAD HERE Mnova Lite Special Edition
For Mac: DOWNLOAD HERE Mnova Lite Special Edition

And get your license NOW!

How about upgrading to Mnova full version?

With the full version you will be able to work with stacked spectra i.e. DOSY, kinetics, reaction monitoring among others and also 2D NMR, multiplet analysis (and journal reports), deconvolution, scripting, layout templates, qNMR, etc.

If you are interested in knowing more details about our full Mnova version please contact support directly at