Mnova Startup Program

Yes, we believe in startups, after all, we once were one too.

We are not the big guys that are going to fund your project; but as we have started our journey as a startup too we have created this program which you can use to get your project started.
Mestrelab started its journey as a research project within the University of Santiago de Compostela… We know how hard it can be!
We understand that starting your own business is not always easy. That’s why we are launching the Mnova Startup Program.
Qualified startups are…

New Mnova users groups associated with an University or research companies with:
- Less than 18 months old
- Less than 5 employees
- Less than €1M in funding.
Only 30€ per month for a plugin!

A quarterly/annual subscription system for all the basic plugins. If you don’t need to analyze and process NMR/MS/ElVis data for a particular quarter, you can simply skip the subscription. Save money for your project!
Free marketing

We will feature your Company in our blog, web and social media. We want the world to know about your company, so we will help you spreading your message.
Not ready to start yet?

Are you interested in this program but you don’t know when your research activities will start? Please do not hesitate to email us by filling in the contact form. We will be happy to provide all the information you need or you can download and do a free trial in the meantime.