Born in Láncara (Lugo) in 1990. She obtained her B.Sc in Physics, specializing in...
Diego Rodríguez is a scientific software developer at Mestrelab Research. He graduated in Physics...
Carmen is currently pursuing her degree in computer engineering at Universidade de Santiago de...
Originally from Santiago de Compostela, Diego studied Computer Science in A Coruña, where he...
Dr. Joaquín was born in Sevilla in 1986, where he studied mathematics and computer...
Alexandre graduated in Physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2022. He...
Dr. Jose Antonio Garcia was born in Ourense in 1979. He started his...
Julián was born in A Guarda in 1995. He studied physics in the University...
Antonio Isasi is a software developer at Mestrelab Research. He was born in Pontedeume...
Born in Germany. He studied BS Computer Science (Technicshe Universität Braunschweig, Germany), MS Computer...