The aim of our training sessions

At Mestrelab we wanted to help you during these challenging times. While many of you were away from the lab, we brought you a series of teleconferences on our advanced tools so you can improve your analytical skills.


This new workshop format consisted of a 15-minute explanation of an Mnova plugin, followed by a 30-minute demonstration that you will be able to follow on your own computer. We provided with the demo data in advance and encouraged our attendees to have Mnova ready. However, you can still find the links to the datasets on this page.

A BIG THANK YOU to the several thousands of attendees we had in these workshop series!

We hope they were useful for you. If you wish you can WATCH THE RECORDED SESSIONS and use the demo datasets from the links provided BELOW.

Stay safe!

April 6th – Mixtures Analysis by NMR

Speakers: (CEO) Santi Dominguez, Dr. Pablo Monje

Watch the most comprehensive way to perform targeted analysis of 1D and 2D NMR spectra using Mnova Simple Mixtures Analysis (SMA).

You can download the datasets used during the session.


April 14th – Quantitative NMR

Speakers: (CEO) Santi Dominguez, Dr. Pablo Monje

Become familiar with a wide range of analysis types available in Mnova qNMR for qNMR concentration and purity/potency determinations. This included manual and assisted or fully automated batch processing analysis.

You can download the datasets used during the session.


April 15th – Chemical shift perturbation analysis by NMR

Speaker: Dr. Chen Peng

Our coleague demostrated Mnova Binding, a chemical perturbation analysis tool for fragment-based drug discovery. Learn how to automatically process 2D HSQC type of protein-ligand titrationspectra, track the peak movement and compute Kd’s for multiple peaks.

You can download the datasets used during the session.


April 17th – Electronic Laboratory Notebook

Speaker: Dr. Mark Dixon

Our colleague demonstrated Mbook, a professional web-based Electronic Laboratory Notebook designed, developed and, tested by scientists with very well defined user roles for research and manufacturing groups as well as analytical capabilities.


April 20th – Automated workflows for analytical data

Speaker: Dr. Chen Peng

Learn how to use Mnova MyGears to turn routine workflows for your analytical data, including NMR, MS and many others, into a single-click step. Get yourself ready to be faster when you are back in the lab with this brand-new tool!

Please contact us if you would like to obtain some installation guidelines and the datasets used.


April 22nd – NMR Prediction

Speaker: Dr. Chen Peng

Our colleague Dr. Chen Peng showed how to calculate accurate and precise NMR chemical shifts using a novel procedure that combines several prediction engines in a constructive way.

You can download the datasets used during the session.



April 24th – Automated Structure Verification using Mnova Verify

Speaker: CEO, Santi Domínguez

Santi Dominguez described how to carry out automatic confirmation of structure identity based on NMR and/or LC/GC/MS data. Learn how to quickly reject incorrect structures prior to submission to company compound repositories and biological assays.

You can download the datasets and this is the Mnova 14.1.2 BETA WINDOWS  and MacOS versions used for the workshop.



April 28th – Store, share and search your chemical and analytical data

Speaker: CEO, Santi Domínguez

A great opportunity to see Mnova MyData in action! A professional database for a single user integrated within Mnova for the efficiently shared storage of molecular structures, NMR and LC-MS and GC-MS analytical data as well as other Mnova objects.
You can download the datasets used during the session.



April 30th – Automatic analysis tool for ligand screening NMR data

Speaker: Dr. Chen Peng

Learn how to use this automatic analysis tool for fragment-based drug screening by NMR. Mnova Screen is an automation software for fast and efficient hit detection in fragment-based drug discovery campaigns using ligand detected NMR data.

You can download the datasets used during the session.



May 6th – Useful Mnova tips & tricks

Speaker: CEO, Santi Domínguez

Boost your Mnova software skills by watching this interesting workshop! We have an endless list of features and in this occasion we will focus on Mnova NMR and Mnova MS tips and tricks.

You can download the datasets used during the session.



May 8th – Analyzing Open Access LCMS Data

Speaker: Dr. Camil Joubran

Our colleague described how to process, analyze and report your LC-MS data from different instruments using Mnova MS software.

You can download the datasets used during the session.