Join our senior executives and Mestrelab’s oral presentation
Increase Efficiency, Enhance Connectivity And Drive Superior Quality In The Modern Lab at SmartLab Exchange for USA!
Join us and find out more about Mestrelab’s latest developments in chemistry software solutions.
We hope you can also watch our oral presentation “Electronic data in the modern laboratory – considerations for its optimal use”
Read more about SmartLab Exchange
Febuary 16 – 17, 2021
Virtual Exchange Conference (fully online)

Mestrelab’s range of software benefits:
- Covers small molecule researches, but also includes some biomolecules
- Thick or thin client and on various OS
- Stepwise manual or in full automated analysis
- Storage using various databasing system under our proprietary environment or in a standardized way
Mestrelab will be discussing our following software solutions:
ELN – We fully integrate laboratory analytics (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR, etc.) with the ELN, bringing lab analytics into the ELN workflow, saving time for the chemist and avoiding the purchase and use of a number of additional software applications
Data Quantity/Integrity
Automatic analysis of laboratory analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR) to establish quality, integrity, identity and properties
Data retrieval/Search
Capabilities for text, structure, substructure, similar structure search as well as NMR features, LCMS and GCMS features and UVIR features, all integrated into a single environment
Data standardization
Processing and standardisation of lab analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR) ready for its storage in Data Lakes and other archiving environments
Data Integration
Automatic processing and analysis of laboratory analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR, etc.) integrating via automation into the workflow of the laboratory
Lab Automation
Automation of processing, analysis and reporting of lab analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR, etc.) and integration into laboratory workflow
Data Visualization & Reporting
We provide a single application for processing, analysis, visualisation and reporting of NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR data, with extensive automation of analysis and of decision making based on analysis results.
The project entitled “QNMR machine: a novel integrated platform for the automated quantitation of chemical substances by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy” that will be presented at the event has been carried out with the collaboration of ICEX and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the framework of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain (2014 – 2020).

The project entitled “Laboratorio Dixital do Futuro (FutureLab)” that will be presented at the event is funded by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), through the Programa Industrias do Futuro 4.0 and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It also has the support of the Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria.
“Promover o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico, a innovación e unha investigación de calidade”