Register for the pre-PANIC NMR Users’ Meeting!
We’re ready for another thrilling PANIC NMR conference!
We hope you can arrange your trip early enough as to attend our pre-PANIC Users’ Meeting.
Join us at our booth and find out more about Mestrelab’s latest developments in NMR software solutions.
Read more about PANIC NMR conference.
pre-PANIC Mestrelab Users’ Meeting | October 16th 1.30pm – 3.30pm
13:30 | Welcome & What’s new |
Mark Dixon Mestrelab |
13:50 | Mnova Gears And The Automation Of Spectroscopic Analysis: Single Samples, Enterprise integrations, and Everything In- between | Gary Sharman Mestrelab |
14:20 | Predictions: No Crystal Ball Needed? | Marcel Lachenmann Mestrelab |
14:50 | Computer Aided Structure Elucidation – 2D Peak Picking Enhancement & PubChem DB Search | Gavin Shear Mestrelab |
15:10 | Ten Things You Didn’t Know You Can Do In Mnova | Mark Dixon Mestrelab |
Mestrelab’s range of software benefits:
- Covers small molecule research, but also includes some biomolecules
- Thick or thin client and on various OS
- Stepwise manual analysis or in full automated analysis
- Storage using various databasing systems under our proprietary environment or in a standardized way
Mestrelab will be discussing our following software solutions:
Data Visualization & Reporting
We provide a single application for processing, analysis, visualization and reporting of NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UV/IR/Raman data, with extensive automation of analysis and of decision making based on analysis results.
Lab Automation
Automation of processing, analysis and reporting of lab analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UV/IR/Raman, etc.) and integration into laboratory workflow.
Workflows for Multiple Analytical Tasks
Dedicated workflows for many different analytical tasks – from identity determination through to phys chem property’s and beyond or even custom analysis
Data Preservation and Retrieval/Search
Capabilities for text, structure, substructure, similar structure search as well as NMR, LCMS and GCMS and UV/IR/Raman features, all integrated into a single environment.
Data standardization
Processing and standardization of lab analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UV/IR/Raman) ready for its storage in Data Lakes and other archiving environments.
Request-to-Results Analytical Chemistry Workflows
A web-based environment to configure instruments, request analyses, and update analysis results in the system and in the ELN.
ELN – We fully integrate laboratory analytics (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UV/IR/Raman, etc.) with the ELN, bringing lab analytics into the ELN workflow, saving time for the chemist and avoiding the purchase and use of a number of additional software applications.