Magnetic Moments in Central Europe

Magnetic Moments in Central Europe




Hotel International Prague
Koulova 15, Prague 6, Praga, 16045
Czech Republic

Register for the Mestrelab Users’ Meeting at MMCE conference

MMCE conference is coming up soon! This year it will be held in Prague, Czech Republic.

We would like to invite you to join us for our Users’ Meeting session on Saturday March 2nd from 14:30 until 17:00

Register to book your seat and see the agenda for the meeting below!


March 2nd, Saturday   (14:30 – 17:00)


Hotel International Prague, Czech Republic


Welcome and What’s New in Mnova?

StereoFitter: RDCs and nOes

Mbook: stockroom and advanced functionality


The session will be presented by Dr. Manuel Perez (Mestrelab Research)


Register HERE!  March 2, Saturday 14:30 – 17:00

Mestrelab’s oral presentation contribution

Metrelab will be presenting the following talk at the Pharmaceuticals session on Friday, March 1 (9.45am)

“Determination of Conformation in Solution: A survival guide for Medicinal and Analytical Chemists”

Dr. Manuel Perez, Mestrelab Research

Where exactly is this event?

Hotel International Prague

Koulova 15, Praha 6, 16045, Prague, Czech Republic

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