Join our senior executives at the Liquefied Natural Gas event in Europe!
This annual Congress covering the hot topics of the LNG industry – from liquefaction and LNG Storage and Transportation to the questions of LNG usage as a fuel, developing LNG infrastructure and LNG to end users.
Join us and find out more about Mestrelab latest developments on in-situ Methane number determination.
Read more about LNG congress
June 7-8, 2021
Virtual LNG Conference (fully online)

Mestrelab software benefits:
Our company, as part of the EMPIR LNGIII program, and in collaboration with Naturgy and Reganosa, has developed a method for in situ calculation of Methane Number.
Our method uses an IR analytical instrument, suitable for deployment at the fuelling point:
The analytical instrument is combined with a software method, based on a Partial Least Squares prediction method, for the calculation of the ACTUAL METHANE NUMBER of the fuel, which can help our customers optimise fuel burning conditions and result in very significant efficiencies leading to large financial savings and environmental improvements.