Mestrelab will be attending the European Symposium on Organic Reactivity in Durham (UK)
This conference will be the 16th European Symposium on Organic Reactivity (ESOR 2017). The meeting will be held in the beautiful Norman city of Durham in the northeast of England between 3 and 8 September 2017.
The meeting will cover all areas of Physical Organic Chemistry, including all aspects of mechanism, structure and binding in organic systems. This also encompasses a wider range of areas from biology to materials using both theoretical and experimental approaches.
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Mnova qNMR/Purity: sample details can be read from the NMR data. Build your library of Reference Standards and handle replicates using a “1-click” analysis.
Looking forward to seeing you at our booth!
Where is this event?
Department of Chemistry, Durham University
Lower Mountjoy, South Road, DH1 3LE, Durham, UK