DGMS- German Society for Mass Spectrometry

DGMS- German Society for Mass Spectrometry


Mar/10/2024 - Mar/13/2024

Join Mestrelab’s experts in analytical data workflow automation!

Mestrelab will be participating in the 55th Annual Conference of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS) hosted by The Technical University of Munich.

The conference is scheduled to take place from March 10-13, 2024, at the TUM School of Life Sciences Campus in Freising-Weihenstephan.

Join our LCMS experts to discover our workflow automation solutions, and look forward to four days brimming with engaging scientific discussions, encompassing lectures, workshops, and an exhibition showcasing the latest in technology and applications!


March 10-13, 2014


TUM School of Life Sciences Campus in Freising-Weihenstephan

Conference Webpage


Mestrelab offers a range of software benefits for analytical chemistry:

  • Seamless integration of analytical data (LC/GC/MS, NMR and electronic/vibrational spectroscopic data)
  • User-friendly and easy to learn unified software interface
  • Modular and flexible design with many optional plug-ins
  • Scriptable, further customizations can be implemented using custom scripts
  • Available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems

A sampling of Mestrelab’s software offerings and capabilities:

Mnova Suite – A “one-stop-shop” for processing and analysing data from a wide variety of analytical instruments! Our vendor-agnostic software suite is designed to import, process, and analyse LC/MS and GC/MS, NMR, and electronic/vibrational data using a single software, eliminating the need to use multiple vendor software interfaces and formats.

Mnova Gears – A software suite to build automation workflows for your analytical data, including MS, NMR and others. Using Mnova features and advanced plugins as the starting bricks, you can replicate Standard Operating Procedures or those boring, repetitive tasks we humans hate so much for both industry and academia. We currently offer a range of Mnova Gears MS/Chromatography-based plugins, including Chrom CalChrom Reaction Optimization, Fraction AnalysisAffinity Screen, MS ScanQC Profiling, and upcoming releases such as Chrom Best MethodChrom QCLog P, Solubility, and Chrom SST. We welcome you to visit our booth and inquire about any of these software solutions.