Visit Mestrelab’s booth #612
The 69th American Society for Mass Spectrometry has been arranged for both, in-person and remote options.
We would like to invite you to our booth #612 during the event and discuss your software solutions needs.
Visit ASMS website for further information about the conference from October 31st until November 4th.
October 31 – November 4
Pennsylvania Convention Center | Philadelphia, PA
1101 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19107, United States

Mestrelab Research is a leading software company that provides highly innovative software solutions for analytical science. Our software solutions enable intelligent lab automation and management by streamlining analytical chemistry laboratory workflows to allow for automated data collection, analysis, data processing, reporting, visualizing, and database archiving of data from a range of analytical techniques including LC/GC-MS, NMR, FTIR, etc., for instrumentation from a range of different instrument vendors.
We enable efficient analytical solutions and ensure robust and reliable data for customers in the fields of drug discovery, pharmaceutical development, quality control (QC) in GMP/GLP environments, food science, etc.
We grow with our customers and partners across the world and are open to work with you in the future.
“Persoal cofinanciado pola Xunta de Galicia ao abeiro da Resolución da Axencia Galega de Innovación do 31 de decembro de 2019 (Programa Talento Sénior).”